Impact Investing
The Health Crisis
It is becoming apparent that we have a health crisis in America, and the crisis is largely self-inflicted, not for lack of food, but rather from the use of engineered proteins, and chemical additives in popular processed foods. People are not becoming obese and sick because of a lack of exercise. Their body chemistry is simply reacting adversely to both the unnatural substances and the unnatural concentrations of substances such as refined sugars, highly processed seed oils, and other carbohydrates in the food supply.
Obese people are told to “eat less and exercise more” blaming a lack of “personal responsibility” for their condition. While it is true that we can make a difference by what we put in our one and only body, and exercise is important, we now know that millions of people have literally become addicted to the refined sugars, highly processed seed oils, and other carbohydrates abundant in all processed foods and beverages. Our bodies react to these assualts by turning on biological mechanism that make us gain weight.
The constant misleading advertising from the processed food industry aimed at our children, together with pharmaceutical ads aimed at adults that promote the use of drugs as the main solution to the increase in heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other degenerative diseases, is wreaking havoc on our health. Creating, and then treating, not the cause, but only the symptoms of the resulting illnesses, has become big business. We believe that increasing people's understanding of the true nature of our health crisis is a necessary first step toward reversing this social and economic tragedy. The video below helps explain in part the challenges we are facing. (See The Nutrition Coalition and Back to Nature)
Our Vision
A growing number of investors are beginning to understand that they can make an impact by voting their conscience with their investment dollars, just like they do as consumers. You can make your voice heard through the products you chose to buy and the companies and technologies you choose to invest in. The voice of the individual investor, when combined with the simultaneous decisions of millions of like-minded people, can and is making a difference.
The Best Business Environment
Investors are also discovering that when companies produce products and services people like, treat their employees fairly, utilize technologies that benefit the environment rather than degrade it, and act as good corporate citizens, they prosper through customer loyalty.
Our Corporate Culture
The failure of large financial institutions and regulatory agencies to protect the public good makes clear the importance of working with financial advisors who share your ethical values. Portfolio Resources is a unique privately-owned company where advisors can focus their practices solely on their client's best interests. The firm's Advisory Council, made up of leading independent Associates, provides direct input to the firm's strategic decision making process. This atmosphere of teamwork and collaboration benefits both clients and advisors.